Solihull Masjid Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct reflects a positive environment that complies with an Islamic atmosphere and allows its congregation and visitors to fully enjoy the Solihull Central Masjid (The Masjid).

(a) All people attending the Masjid, (including guest speakers, imam, khateeb, moazin, volunteers etc) shall conduct themselves at all times:

(ⅰ) in Islamic manners in compliance with the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah.

(ⅱ) in ways that fosters unity and a sense of inclusion among all members of the Muslim community.

(ⅲ) in manner that is respectful of the diversity of the local Muslim community and not discriminate on the basis of madhhab, gender, race, nationality, ethnic origin, citizenship, political affiliation, or economic status.

(ⅳ) shall exercise tolerance and respect for the rights of others and their opinions.

(v) shall interact with all persons, Muslim and non-Muslim, in a manner that reflects positively on the Masjid.

(ⅴi) shall refrain from raising their voice and from speaking offensively of anyone.

(b) No one, including the employees of the Masjid, has the authority to make announcements, distribute leaflets & brochures, display of posters of any type, hold public meetings, organise any activities or programmes and carry out any type of fund raising without the approval by the Masjid.

(c) Any person, who wishes to speak to the congregation after Friday prayer, shall seek the consent of the Masjid.

(d) Smoking is not permitted at any time inside the Masjid or on the grounds outside.

(e) Food and beverages will not be allowed in the Masjid areas other than during Ramadan unless authorised by the Masjid.

(f) Overnight staying is not permitted without a prior approval by the Masjid.

(g) Any other act at the discretion of the Masjid which is considered as being a misconduct or bringing Masjid’s name into disrepute will result in the person(s) being excluded, either permanently or for a fixed term.