"Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him likewise in Paradise." [Sahih al- Bukhari and Sahih Muslim]
Donating is an excellent opportunity to earn a recurring reward (‘Sadaqah Jariyah’) for you, your family or loved ones who are living and have passed away.
Allah (SWT) will reward you every time someone uses the facilities that you helped build or improve.
(Please click for details)
Please donate to the following bank account
Bank Name | The Co-operative Bank |
Account Name | Solihull Central Masjid & Community Centre |
Account Number | 67390685 |
Sort Code | 08-92-99 |
Reference | Zakat, Sadaqa, etc |
Please request your bank to set up standing order with below details or fill out the standing order form and drop it to masjid.
Bank Name | The Co-operative Bank |
Account Name | Solihull Central Masjid & Community Centre |
Account Number | 67390685 |
Sort Code | 08-92-99 |
Reference | Zakat, Sadaqa, etc |
In person at the Solihull Central Masjid